Burlington Podiatry

Michael Guerra, DPM

1540 Williston Road | South Burlington, VT 05403

(802) 862-8666

Nail Problems

You no longer need to feel embarrassed to wear open-toe shoes and sandals – or just go barefoot – because of your toenails. Burlington Podiatry assists our patients with:

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can develop for various reasons. In many people, the tendency to have this common disorder is inherited. In other cases, an ingrown toenail is the result of trauma.


Toenail Fungus and Laser Treatment

Toenail fungus, formally known as onychomycosis, isn’t pretty. It’s an infection of the toenail, fingernail or skin under the nail. Toenail fungus is hard to get rid of—it can reoccur over time. Before an infection gets worse, a patient should seek professional care.

Depending on the severity of the toenail fungus, treatment options will vary. For mild to moderate toenail fungus, topical and oral antifungal treatments can suppress the fungus infection and symptoms. Unfortunately, these treatments can’t always promise long-lasting results. In recent years, podiatrists have been looking at laser technology as the next best thing for pesky toenail fungus.


Please call our office at (802) 862-8666 to schedule your consultation.